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The MOM Test

What motivated me to read this?

I came across this book while looking for something around how to talk to customers, and how to get the right feedback from them.

What are my top 2-3 learnings from the book?

  • The effective way to get proper feedback from the customer is to talk about their life instead of your idea, Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future and Talk less and listen more.

  • Deflect compliments, Anchor fluff Dig beneath opinions, ideas, requests, and emotions to the underlying facts and motivations, and Ask for commitment. Until customer is willing to give you commitment, in terms of time, money or reputation, they are not serious about the problem you are trying to solve.

  • Let customer own their problem, and let them talk about it. You are there to listen and understand, then own the solution from the product you are building.